Secondary school historiography
I want to know how the secondary school students in your area are taught history — specifically the Great Depression.
The form to capture your feedback is located at Alternatively, you can simply email me photographs of the relevant pages of your textbook. (To get in touch, please first use the “contact” button above.)
I’m working on a lengthy paper for a policy journal, due to be published in 2014. The paper talks about the euro-crisis and suggests that we need to be wary of ignoring our own history — particularly the Great Depression. The paper includes a brief review of how the Great Depression is treated in secondary school textbooks. I want to compare this to the mainstream international finance literature.
I’m looking for examples from far and wide — any and every country I can get. What I’m looking for is just a snippet or two from a secondary school 20th century history or social sciences textbook . I’m happy to keep your contribution anonymous if you prefer. You can literally just snap a photo of the relevant pages and let me do the rest.
Please help send this link to whomever you think can help.
Please also feel free to get in touch with me personally. You can email me here.
Scott Urban