I am by training and background a professional economist. In 2005 I began writing a dissertation on the international monetary dimensions of the Great Depression. As recently as 2009 I was downplaying the notion that my studies had much to say about the current business cycle. Today, however, we are seeing a policy approach that is disturbingly familiar from the Great Depression.
- CNN-Expansión (Mexico) is a 600-word article on the basic proposition.
- The Great Amnesia over the Great Depression notes the failure to heed the very advice which we prescribe for the Great Depression ex-post.
- A Beginner’s Guide to the Great Depression is a non-technical explanation of the role of exchange-rate policy in the Great Depression, and how this is being repeated today.
- Q&A on EMU as a Gold Standard Reprise answers common queries.
- EMU and the ‘Trilemma’ highlights the unintended consequences of the current approach.