Secondary school historiography

I want to know how the secondary school students in your area are taught history — specifically the Great Depression. The form to capture your feedback is located at Alternatively, you can simply email me photographs of the relevant pages of your textbook. (To get in touch, please first use the “contact” button above.)***I’m working on […]

Why don’t sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) invest in education?

Serious question. Why don’t sovereign wealth funds (SWFs, the managers of a nation’s commodity windfall, usually) invest in other people’s education? Note that I am specifying other people’s education. I don’t mean this to imply that education levels in the SWF nations are “high enough” (I don’t even know what that would mean, and anyway it certainly […]

Paris update from the Economist, 25-July-1931

On French bargaining power with Germany over concessional loans to keep Germany in the euro area gold standard:“The strength of the French situation, it is universally recognised here, is that France possesses an abundance of capital available with which to help Germany, that her present commitments in Germany are enormously less important than those of […]


A version of this post was published in the Zintro Blog for 6-May-2013.Most of the commentary on Bitcoin centres on its in-built scarcity, which is meant to ensure its value rather like the inelastic supply of gold was meant to confer value on paper money under the gold standard. But what fascinates me about Bitcoin […]